C/Beata Piedad de la Cruz, 12 - 30820 - Alcantarilla (Murcia) España
Phone: 968 807 726   ::   Fax: 968 892 677

Salesian Sister

........ Sacred Heart of Jesus



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Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The mission of our congregation is made present trough several apostolic activities, trying to leave on them the Charism that our founder left us, Blessed Piedad de la Cruz: to extend, with our testimony and actions, the merciful and providing love to all the people that we meet on our path.

Area of mission for the poor:

Ppresent in far away places and areas where economic and human shortcomings are the cause of constant suffering and where, many times, the social responsibility has not been made noticeable or present as it is in some rural poor areas.

Health Area:

Where human pain and physical weakness make the human being vulnerable and so, God´s love and compassion are necessary to assist the old, the sick, the disabled isolated in their homes, hospitals and old people´s homes.

Pastoral Area:

Collaborating in the extension of faith through Sunday schools and pastoral activities with children, young people and adults, as well as accompanying the sick, old people isolated in parishes and dioceses.

Spiritual Area:

Through our consecrated and active presence together with the people we work in the mission with, providing them not only a spiritual and human wellbeing but also accompanying them in their spiritual and vocation in the faith of God.


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